What is Takoma Park?
capital of hippie-land, home of speed humps (not to be confused with speed bumps) and lots of drunkenneess atop christian schools deep in the night. also home of the squirrel lady and that guy who walks around swinging a dead fox.
l: dude, let's break into jna
j: and steal a fireextinguisher
l: lets get drunk first
e: and high
l: whoohooo
j: i hate war!
e: free love!
l: i love animals, give them rights!
Takoma Park is a fuckin SWEET hippy town. lots of TREES!, chill spots, parks, and blaaazers young and old. a place where you can walk to all your friends houses, smoke on every street, and enjoy the environment.
x: damn, where should we smoke??
l: well, we can hotbox at the christian school, smoke on the roof, at spring park, opal D's, Westmoreland park, jna busses, the college, the woods, the gazeebo, piney branch, sligo, fuck lets just do it here, its Takoma Park.
a fuckin city u jackass
I live in takoma park