
What is Talia?


A beautiful girl who can make anyone smile and brighten up there days just by hearing hear laugh or seeing her smile. You would b lost without this girl if you ever went out with her

that girl is so talia


Meaning: Morning Dew( Hebrew)

pronounced: "Tahlee-yah" or "tah-LEE-yah"

This name is most related to Talia Shire, the lead female in the "Rocky" movies, who drowned when out on her boat. Also the name of a popular Mexican Singer.

"Didn't Talia sing with Fat Joe?"


A sweet loving girl who loves to talk and to make other people laugh. She is shy around people that she doesn't know but is crazy when she is around her friends. She also does very well in school and try's to exceede and get good grades. She is someone who you cannot live without. Once you meet her, you would want to stay with her.

Talia is such a smart person! No wonder the teachers all love her!

See thalia, shy, happy


tal-EE-uh- A comedic muse; a Goddessof ancient times. One who can make any person laugh and lift all spirits.

OMG did you see that performance last night? She was as funny as a Talia! I SWEAR IT!

See comedian, hoebag, beautiful, goddess, muse


Derives from the latin word Talimanus, meaning one who carries the beat. Talia's are usually found feasting on deadly poisonous snakes in specific parts of Africa. Talia's are very capable of killing midgets especially when they're paralyzed. If ever caught near one, run. Although they can be deadly, to midgets, Talia's are capable of emitting incredible music getures. It is rare to witness such a sight, but it is american idol quality.

"Woah, check out that Talia eatting a poisonous snake. That is quite a dangerous act, I hope she stops doing that very soon before she may die. Cuz those Talias can really carry a beat and losing such a talent is bad to our society."

See snakes, midgets, american idol, beat, latin


Verb: To "talia" is to whore around; to put out; to wear skimpy clothing

Adj: One who cannot keep her hands away from other people's boyfriends

"Can you not 'Talia' when I'm here? You're giving me a bad image."

"Wow, she is such a 'Talia.'"

See talia, whore, slut, boyfriend, put out


person who only looks sweet and innocent...typically blonde

She is such a Talia! All the teachers love her...

See Sarah


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