
What is Tammy?


A sweet girl-next-door type. A girl who would be your best friend. And if you're lucky she'll fall in love with you too. Think of Debbie Reynolds in the "Tammy and the Bachelor" movies.

Mike: I'm sick of the big mouth sluts with attitude in this school.

Joe: Perhaps you need to find a Tammy. Good luck with that.

See sweet girl, best friend, love, rare, girlfriend material


1.Name for a girl

2.Cute Gorgeous Looking type of girl

She's A Tammy

My friend Tammy is HOT.

See tammy, cute, gorgeous, funny, smart


large shroom

woah dood look how high i got off that tammy!

See shroom, weed, drug, high, mushroom


She's the hottest chick in Kentucky, She definitely is into dating nurses and hittin on the weed.

Tammy loves to get boned by the Nurse. I can't wait til she hit's College Dr. for their reunion

See tammy, nurse, kentucky, weed, Bald Guy


The name of 90% of the saleswomen working in any gas station mini/convenient mart in the Catskill mountains of NY state.

Scene takes place in any Catskill, NY gas station and/or convenient/mini mart....

Customer - "Hey Tammy"

Sales Clerk - "Oh, Hey Tammy"

Onlookers buying beer and cigs - (Looking at each other in disbelief) - "That's like the 10th Tammy we've came across since we got here!"

Catskills = Tammytown

See girl, tammy, nickname


A really big DIKE

That tammy loves to eat pussy

See dike, lesbian, lez, lol, pussy


an insult given to certain who just happen to be republicans. synonyms:(every insult you can think of)

Tylers A tammy. Fo Sho

See fag, emo, tyler, tool


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