
What is Tanning?


Efforts to darken the shade of human skin, either by natural means (direct exposure to the sun), artifical products (self-tanners), or enhanced exposure to simulated sunlight (tanning beds). Excessive tanning is likely associated with skin cancer.

"Orange alert! Paris should really stop going to the salon to fake and bake- instead of wasting her time tanning, she should work for world peace."

See fake and bake, tan, tanned, sun, cancer, skin, pale, paris


1) A free treatment for depression.

2) A free teeth-whitening treatment.

3) Something amazing people do.

4) Lying in the ♥SUN♥

1) Tanning puts people in a better mood...for free!

2) Tanning will make your teeth look whiter. It will make your skin look darker, which will cause your teeth to look whiter in comparison.

3) "Oh look at that girl--she's tanning!"

"I know, isn't she amazing?"

4) Orion: "Hey what're you up to?"

Me: "Lying in the sun, tanning. I'm gonna die of skin cancer."

Orion: "Yes you are...I fucking hate the sun."

See antidepressant, yay, sun


to kick someones ass

northern irish

im going to give you a tanning for fucking my mum!!!

See aly


When a person who is a crazy drunk is drunk

Man, calm down and stop drinking, you are tanning.


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