
What is Tarmacing?



In order to complete a successful tarmacing, the male must, during intercourse, shit on the bitches back. This starts from the rectal cavity and should be worked upwards in a swift motion towards the ladies neck. Prompt running in the opposite direction to said lady is advised as soon as the tarmacing is complete.

Billy tarmaced his bitch all night long


during fornication, the male lays a steamy stool on the female's chest then spunks down the centre of the shit in affect making the white lines similar to those of road markings

last night i caught Ali tarmacing Dave

See steam roller, shitting, chest, tarmac, smell, stink, sex, fuck, shag, jizz


when a girl is in the cowboy position, she moves up and shits on the bans chest, she then proceeds to rub it in with her arse cheeks like a steam roller, hence tarmacing.

this always happens to dj's. they take a girl home the girl (or guy) starts tarmacing! it sucks to be a dj

See sex, poo, tarmack, tarmacking, tarmacing


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