
What is Tasmania?


Small island, the most southerly state of Australia. Hobart is the capital city.

Little-known fact: Hobart is the second driest capital in Australia.

While we're in Australia, let's go visit Tasmania.


The island of incest off the coast of Australia. All Tasmanians are related to each other.

"Why are you going to Tasmania?"

"Because my cousin is marrying my sister"

See Bel


An Australian state that before the Beaconsfieldmine collapse, was considered a place for incest-hippies.

Now, it is recognised for being fabulously bogan.

It's pretty.

Mount Wellington is nice.

Mainland snobs need to realise that Tasmania is better than wherever they live.

After all, we have Todd and Brant. ;|

"I'm going to Tasmania, then I can get trapped down a mine with some bogans"

See australia, island, bogan, incest, hole


A really cool fun place to be seen, Tasmania is the best state is Australia, come and visit our lush rainforests or our beautiful beaches, you will find yourself immersed in a land of history and boundless environmental splendour.

"Tasmania is really cool and i wouldn't want to live anywhere else, really really fun place to live, really cool, really really cool, best ever, best, just plain cool, the best cool infact, better than the best of the cool.

See Smith


A beautiful island off the south-east coast of the mainland of Australia. Some of these poofy mainland people need to grow up. EVERY Tasmanian you will find has just one head. The Tasmanians I have met besides being helpful and friendly have no need to shag sheep either dickheads. While I'm on the subject does anyone here mention the fact that some mainlanders shag dingoes? Let's leave that one, shall we, for fuck's sakes give it a bone. You people who carry on with this shit, are just a bunch of reetarts. the point is Tasmania is in a state of economic and cultural revival and any of you people who carry on with this two-heads, sheep-shagging and shit, need to get a fucking life!

Go and see Tasmania it's fucking awesome.

See australia, sheep, mountains, beauty


Tasmania is Australia's cool climate island state, although the capital city Hobarthas more sunny days in summer than any other Australian capital city. Many non-Tasmanians mispronounce Tasmania's second city Launceston as Lawn-ceston. Locals pronouce it like Lonn-ceston.

Tasmania is about the same size as Switzerland, Irelandand West Virginia. Indeed bearded Tasmanian "hillbillies" can be seen driving pick up (utility) trucks with gun racks, and the driver may be wearing a large hat. You may be forgiven for thinking that you are in West Virginia.

The Roaring 40's wind pattern dominates the state's climate producing higher rainfall in the west and a milder climate in the east. Tasmania has some of the world's purest air and contains some of the planet's most pristine national parks and unspoiled scenery. The southwest is a confederation of heritage wilderness parks, in many places still impenetrable and unexplored.

The southern lights or Aurora Australis is visible from most places in Tasmania. Tasmania is also known for the possibly extinct Tasmanian Tiger, the Tasmanian Devil, Erol Flynn and Princess Mary of Denmark.

Tasmania is relatively free from crime, an inncocent state.

See wilderness, impenetrable, aurora, heritage, cool, launceston, hobart, switzerland, ireland, west virginia


Ok... so I am from Tassie. Many mainlanders think its a hole. I kinda tend to agree. Its a place for old people. I would so much prefer to live on the mainland. I really dont care about all the historical features. Stuff that, I want awesome shopping and lush weather, not the crappy 4 season in one day. Ugh it sucks. Sure we have some nice beaches and all that, but nothing compared to say, Brisbane. Now thats a place to go. So... some advice. Dont live in Tasmania. Sure come for a visit. Just dont settle down here ;)

BTW we arent incest. Just thought I'd clarify that, and last time I checked... I only have one head =P

tasmania= boring

I'd say, never come here.

See tasmania, australia, boring, hobart, launceston


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