What is Tavion?
Pronunciation:(tay VEE un)
The Name Tavion is a boy's name. The origin of the baby name Tavion is Scottish with the meaning(s) depending on Gender/Origin.
The name Tavion, is the 37533rd most popular baby name at Mybaby-name placing it in the top 52% of names by popularity.
In the year year (2007), Tavion was the 23530th most popular name, and is in the top 32% for the year.
"My son Tavion is a small black addopted child."
"Tavion is so wild, one second he's bouncing around and squealing with glee, and the next he's screaming as if his life were over."
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Some one who is vertically chanllenged, very short, or petite
That girl is a rumple shroom skin cuz she's so damn short
See small..