What is Taw?
Abbreviation for "Titless Assless Wonder"
Commonly applied to girls that one dislikes greatly and also happens to be perfectly stick-shaped.
That girl is such a TAW.
Scottish slang for penis, cock, knob, boabby etc.
Its gonna be raw taw or nae taw at all !!
TranceAirWaves. Internet radio station that plays pop Trance music 24/7.
You'd be better off going to DI.fm and listening to real music on the Classic Trance or Deep House channels.
a marble of semiprecious stone, especially when used as a shooter.
Never risk your favorite taw in a game against a stranger.
TAW is the best clan ever.
TAW is playing the Game Americas army, mostly the map
border.No1 can stand up to TAW except for the ûber-skilled fker Ruder.
Brought to u by the crazy swede =TAW=Overlord
TAW pwns, TAW kickz azz, TAW ftw
An online radio station that plays Trance music aka TranceAirwaves. Which pwns the shit out of di.fm.
OMFG!1!12 Look at all the TAW residents and exclusive sets and the quaility tunage!
Another for extremely sexy or seductive. Males and Females related to the word taw are usually good in specific things involving another person.--- (or) crazy in some way