
What is Tax?


Verb. - To steal.

Noun. (Taxer) - Thief

"Javier taxed Mike's unix book, and Mike kicked Javiers ass for being a taxer."

See Bob


Giving money you don't have to people you don't know for a program you don't believein.

It's income tax time again. whoo. </sarc>

See timm


Tax means steal / nick

it originated from

"the tax man"

after all he is the biggest thief of them all

The word came about because the goverment make most of the population live in poverty and take all there money leaving most people barely enough to survive on,

some decide to become criminals rather than live in poverty because they cant afford things due to tax causing high prices. All the goverment do for us is think of new taxes to bum from the people as a result people hate the goverment and taxes because they have to live in poverty and the goverment is seen as a thief so the word tax mostly replaced the words steal, nick, rob, thive, because everyone knows the tax man is a robbing bastid who only thinks of his own kind and what the fat cats can get, to them we are nothing more than worker ants

im going to tax that guys cash back in a sec

where'd you get that from

"oh i just taxed it from some old lady"

See rob, bastid, nick, steal, cubs


To steal or take something.

A: Where did my pen go?

B: Ha! I taxed it!

C: I'm so going to tax those jeans from that (insert expensive store name here).

See steal, take, rob, tax, taxed


1) A due paid to the government for living expenses.

2) To set up such dues.

3) To burden.

1) I have an accountant calculate my taxes for me.

2) The old French regime taxed the poor heavily.

3) The heavy boulder on her back taxed her, but she was able to reach Nevada in time for the fireworks spectacular.


legalized theft created by and used by the government. mostly used to pay for a bullshit war in iraqor to give money to lazy pieces of shit who refuse to work (see welfare)

fuck taxes.

See theft, stealing, government, bullshit, gay, Xizor


To take a handling fee when hustling.

"Tom wanted me to bring him an Ounce, so I taxed him $5".

"Last night around 12 nick called and wanted a 8ball so I taxed him a line".

See hustling, slanging


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