
What is Tbh?


to be honest

Suzuki: "You're a shitbag queer tbh..."

See Suzuki


tbh means "to be honest" however, it is so overused that its now become common place to see it after anything.

The French come from France tbh.

Miles Jacobson is a complete cunttbh.


See J


To be honest

tbh Bard` is a complete plonker clearly

See Brad


tbh means "to be honest" but is overused ALOT

i hate tbh tbh too many ppl say it ffs tbh

In a game tbh:

person1 : what lvl r u?

person2 : 38 tbh :p


"your so gay tbh"

or im the best tbh tbh

See Swifty


Mean's To Be Honest, used on the computer, mostly in online video games.

'I own you tbh..' 'Um, not really'

See tbh, h4x, pwn


An abbreviationused excessively online which stands for "to be honest". It's overused by scenes and emos(particularly on myspace) alongside their other odd phrases and is often very annoying as it rarely makes sense.

"You're phitt tbh" "I love you tbh. "You're bit hot mayte tbh." "Lucy's peng tbh."

See emos, myspace


Total Butthole

meaning to go the long yard and have straight out anal sex.

Person 1: so you like guys?

Person 2: yeah. i mean I'll get blowjobs and stuff, but I won't go TBH with them. that's a mission impossible, sorry.

See butt hole, sex, imvu, gangster, lol


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