What is Tbs?
Tech Bitch Syndrom---Typically used on girl from Georgia Tech but can be substituted for any school with a larger male population. The girl, commonly uncool when surround by girls from other schools, becomes a bitch when many desperate college guys realize that is all they have.
That girl has major TBS, she took my alcohol and left.
Jenny Long
1) Turner Broadcasting System, a television station notorious for playing re-runs and crappy spin-offs of older TV shows. However, it also owns a large number of other stations, such as Cartoon Network, CNN, and TNT to name a few. They tend to show the same shows on multiple different channels at different times, just in case you missed one or want to watch it again.
1) Wow, this episode of Law and Order has to be at least 5 years old. And they're playing Family Guy right after it!
2) Best friend means I pulled the trigger.
Turn Based Strategy. Refers to a game where each player takes a turn, such as Civilization.
My Siphai crushed the puny Europeans in Civilization 3.
taking back sunday: a post-hardcore/emo/indie band
I love tbs! I <3 them! I <3 adam!
Tedious Bull Shit. Work needed to be done that is not 100% necessary and very time consuming,
Friend 1: Hey lets go to the bar and watch the game!
Friend 2: Can't, stuck with some TBS from wife.
Friend 1: Faggot
Taco Bell Syndrome
A common intestinal occurance in the patrons of Taco Bell where, within a half an hour of ingesting the meal, the subject in question will utterly destroy the nearest toilet.
Also known as the number one doctor recommended way to clean out a colon.
1: Oh man, I had Taco Bell for lunch and now I have to crap like there's no tomorrow.
2: I'm not using the bathrooms at Taco Bell, they've all been destroyed by TBS.
A legit encinitas based gang that was founded in 2000. The gang holds manabreast destiny as there only law
I keep asking OG Rocka if i can get in to TBS but each time he bars me and says i don't pull hard enough