
What is Tcm?


Texas Chinsaw Massacre, usually used as an acronym in order to threaten to teach someone a lesson.

Example 1: Don't make a move or I'll have to get all TCM on your ass.

Example 2: I am about at level ten on the anger-o-meter, I might have to make a TCM in all 50 states.

See joke, massacre, rage, threat, hurt


verb: referring to watching the television station, TCM. AKA: Turner Classic Movies.

"I will see you later! I have to go TCM for a while."

See tcm, movies, film, cinema


Abbreviation for Trench Coat Mafia

I was certain there was an abbreviation besides TCM for youths wearing Black Trench Coats.


Tunnel Cunted Mole. Used to describe a very mean woman

That bitch is a total TCM

See tunnel, cunted, mole, bitch, evil, DBJB


The Crystal Method, the best techno group of all time

I love the new tcm album, Community Service 2

See techno, dance, beat, music


A two cock mouth. Used in the porn industry to describe actresses, and actors, with a wide mouth, large enough to suck at two penises at the same time.

"S(he)'s got a TCM, lets use her (him) for the orgy scene."

See porn, mouth, actor, actress, sex, hamlet


This refers to an easy woman - takes cock man

An acquaintance of mine was pointing out some of the women walking

in the town square the other day. He made the following statement

about a real beautiful one - " See her, she's great, tcm "


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