
What is Teacher?


A person who cares enough about abusive and ungrateful teens to work for crappy pay and long hours while hoping someday students mature enough to realize how lucky they are to have someone who gives a shit about them.

My teacher may have been a bitch sometimes, but she never gave up on me and I'm happy about that.

See Steph


Good teachers are people dedicated to the education of students in their classrooms and to the institutions in which they work.

(Unfortunately, many of the contributors to this term don't seem to have encountered many good teachers. However, don't give up on learning because eventually several good teachers will show up.)

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

See 916


A person who works his/her butt off preparing for students and trying to help them get a head start in life. They work for little pay, and are spoken poorly about by people ignorant of their cause. As with all people, some care more than others. But they still do more than the average onlooker observes.

A teacher can be found planning lessons, grading papers, researching activities, going to meetings, calling homes, greeting people, tolerating bullcrap, rationalizing, destressing, parenting for parents who don't know how to or don't give a damn about parenting.


Good teacher = Someone that cares about her/his students and tries there hardest to have there students leave at the end of the school year knowing something that they taught them.And get paid crap only like $35,000 an year.

Bad teacher = A teacher who don't give a crap about there students and give like 4 hours of homework. And for some reason it seems like they get paid more.

Good teacher ="You know if you EVER need to talk to someone I'm always here for you."

Bad teacher =" Get over yourself and get to work or you will be in detention tonight. You stupid teenager."

See detention, school, homework, hell, friend


A person whose life calling is in the perpetuation of the body of knowledge and experience gained through thousands of years of civilization. Often attempts to impart said knowledge despite resistance from students who do not care, parents who do not care, administrators who care about the wrong things and other people such as religious fanatics and governments who want their own agenda satisfied. Teachers are passionate about their subject matter, and given a class of students who actually want to learn, there is no end to what can be accomplished. Your typical student nowadays do not understand the one basic fact...without education, you go no further in life. Education is the cornerstone of a civilization. If people were given this value from birth, our poor country would not be in such a sorry state today. Teachers do not give homework to punish or ruin your life. They give it so that you can gain the practice you need to master subject matter. You might not see how you can use this matter later in life, but unless you happen to have a crystal ball (and know how to use it), you really have no idea when you might need it. One of the most important things you can learn in school is time management, so that you can both get your work done AND have a social life, rather than wasting time complaining and end up with no time to do either. Teachers are not people who failed at other things, all of the teachers I know and work with chose teaching as their career outright. We are teachers FIRST, in other words. Our current educational system is not perfect, it's not even great, it needs a lot of fixing up, but until our country as a whole begins valuing education and the role it serves in boosting the economic and social well-being of the nation, it will continue to get short-shrift, and parents will not encourage their children in a positive manner to participate in the process that will ultimate lead them to their adulthood.

"Man, that teacher really sucks!" "Well, if you shut your mouth and actually did your work, you might do well and change your mind!"

See professional, stupid, dictator


Teachers are those people who ask you to find solutions for problems you haven't known before.

The teacher asks: Why is a parallelogram not the same as a trapezoid?

-> Is that really important???????

-> Do we really need to know that in our future??

See trapezoid, parallelogram, problem, people, useless


Someone who teaches students at a school, whether it be preschool or high school. Teachers can vary in niceness from the best teacher who gives almost no homework and lets you do anything to a teacher that constantly screams at the class and gives assloads of homework.

Teachers, even if they seem mean, are not bad people. Yelling or other disciplines are just their way of doing things. I am not one who likes teachers yelling, but it's not their fault. If you're stuck in a class full of assholes and teeny boppers with no common sense and never shut the fuck up for 5 seconds, even the nicest teachers may lose it, maybe more frequently than others. It all depends on your classmates, and even you.

Teachers are good people that want you to learn and be able to get a good future, but if your asshole classmates fuck up class every day, that goal gets pushed farther and farther away...

See school, education, learn, assholes, smart


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