
What is Teachers?


An underpaid person that tries to educate kids. But can't. Because:

1. Kids are not allowed to be beaten.

2. Parents in America are useless and don't beat their kids.

3. Rap music.

4. Cell phones.

The kids passed on into the next grade, even though they couldn't read or write.

We wouldn't want them to feel left out and hurt their feelings, so we pushed them through anyways.

The future of America is looking pretty sweet!

See hooper


People who liked school so much that they couldn't stand to leave.They 'have a passion for kids' and could never regret following the career path they chose.

They think that everyone likes them no matter what. Truthfully, nobody likes them at all.

Teachers are fun to annoy.

*Ways To Annoy Your Teachers:

1. Don't write your name on your papers.

2. Ask a lot of pointless questions that have nothing to

do with what you are learning. (ex: Why do you write

with a blue pen instead of a black one?)

3. Mumble LOUDLY to yourself while you are taking a test.

4. Role your pencil on your desk.

5. Refuse to answer questions out loud (on accout that it

conflicts with your religious beliefs).

6. Refer to your teacher as Sir or Mam. End every sentence

with Sir or Mam. (ex: The answer to number 13 is 9, Sir)

7. Don't pay attention. Say 'what?' everytime they call on


See school, teaching, annoying, job


There are 2 different kind of teachers:

1)Caring people who really want to help you learn and grow they want you to be ready to go out in the real world. They really do care about you but some teens jump to conclusion thinking that they dont care because they are being snappy one day out of a whole year. They have familys and problems just like the rest of us. They cant be perfect they are only human.

2)Dickfaces who live to terrorize kids lives. Usually men or old women. They say they care just so they can fuck with your mind but then go tell the whole staff about it and then you end up getting a phone call home and your parents find out about it and then you have all this drama shit on your hands. Until a #1 teacher tries to help you fix it!

1) Right now i have two teachers like this. Who really care and i know they care. Conversation between student and teacher

Student-Can i talk to you?

Teacher-Sure sit down. What is it?

Student-Well...blah blah blah *tear tear*

Teacher-Oh im so sorry. i know that things that happen in life make you a better stronger more mature person and i believe you are one of those stronger more mature people. Always remember you can talk to me about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

Student-Thanks! You really do care dont you!!

2)i dont have an example for fuckers like this...they just suck!

See teacher, education, caring, teachers, school


People that teach you in school. They could be good or bad. Most are bad if you have my teachers. Like my math teacher would cry in front of the room about how like her. Most of them act like they care, but they don't.

The worst teacher I've ever had is my current home ect teacher. She hates all of her students except her favorite. She yells at you for the smallest reason, and never stops talking about the house that she is bluiding. Everyone hates her. She doesn't deserve her job. God, I hate her.

The best yeacher was my old reading teacher. She was cool.

Teachers make school boring.

See school, homework, boring, kittie, seventeen, acid bath


Teachers are people who have chosen the profession of (hopefully) imparting knowledge, creating understanding, assisting in application of the knowledge and understanding, and assisting & motivating kids to attain higher-level thinking skills.

Most of those I know are caring, dedicated and work 11 months a year (yes, during the summer) and 7 days a week, 12 hours a day M-F during the school year.

Of course, as with any profession, you have lame-os and deadbeats.

The pay sucks if you work in one of the "Education? Why Bother?" states, like Arizona.

But, watching kids actually try to learn, take standardized test after test (thank you GWBush) and still maintain a sense of humor and enthusiasm makes it worthwhile.

On the downside: Parents who are less than useless, kids who are totally unmotivated and chose to destroy the learning environment and the administration that supports that (thankfully not all administrators are like that) for fear of Karla's mom getting angry that Karla won't be moving to 8th grade... Yes, in Arizona if the kid fails every class and misses 85 days of school, the parent can override the teachers' recommendations to retain the kid.

Julio wrote a letter that said, "If it weren't for my teachers, I'd think all adults were drug addicts and losers."

Pretty cool! My teachers lined up on the last day of school so we could throw pies in their faces!

I have had some astoundingly good teachers and some abysmally bad teachers.

The contributors for some of these "teachers" entries really should have been paying attention to their teachers, then wouldn't look like such asswipes by their horrid use of language and spelling skills which testify to their dumbfuckery.

See teacher, educator, motivator


teachers: a low life creature simliar to leeches which lives upon students. Sucking every ounce of life from students to make a tiger into a cat. A teacher uses many opressive tacits to capture their pray. Teachers threaten students with a special poison which has been nicknamed from survivers as a "drainer" the official name is "detention." This increases the time the student is to remain in school where the effects of a teacher affect most. Teachers tend to be social outcasts as youths and wish to repay there incapability to make friends by punishing people who give them the shits. Teachers also live there pain through students because the fact that they have the least respected job and a very low paying one it gives them a reason to pick on students.

The teachers at samritan catholic college are very depressing. They find ways to incriminate students and to make life a whole lot hard. This discrimination occurs because the school population consists of arab students.


Boring people who would rather spend their life after school staying at school.

All teachers think that they can control a class(which is 98% untrue).

Teachers usaly bore you to death by explaning to much.

Other teachers drive you crazy by making you write to much.

Some teachers that don't know the meaning of rest give you homework everyday.

Some stutter all the time.

Others like to shout and chuck tamtrums like 3 year olds when ever you make a mastake.

Others also always give too many dettention slips so they don't look vunreble when the class mucks up.

Teacher: Today your we are going to write a 5 page report.

student: Oh thats boring.(class mucks up.


Teacher: I'm giving you all a detention.ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAR.


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