
What is Tediz?


Are evil killer teddy bears who speak in gibbish.They are from the videogame, Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Conker : *walks in with machine guns and sees two "Doctor" Tediz* Oh,...this is a bit different.*puts away guns*What are those guys ? Oh, great, more Tediz . "

Tedi # 1 : " ....Really that's incredible . "

Tedi # 2 : " What if you were to give this game, to say...twenty intelligent people. Honestly, what would that do ? Let's face it what would it do ? "

Tedi # 1 : Really,that's very interestin- " .

Conker reloads his machine guns.

Tedi # 2 : What the f*ck ! It's that bloody squirrel ! Quick get into character ! "

Tedi # 1 & 2 :Whadatada ! Whatsea buta stonea ! Atatatatat ! "


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