What is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


They can easily kick the Power Rangers' asses any day of the week.

Power Ranger: Ha ha! Those are ninja turtles? They look like rejects from Rita and Zedd's palace. We'll mop the floors with them in five minutes.

(five minutes later)

Power Ranger: Can't....feel....legs....(dies)

See Krang


Heroes in a half-shell. Turtle power!


Was a really cool show before those damn Power Rangers came and fucked everything up with their sissy Zords.

Turtle Power! Cowabunga!



$20 bucks says these smooth pimp daddies can beat the shit out of those fruitbag Power Rangers seven sides of Sunday.

Michaelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael. Ph33r.


The shit. In a good way.

"Yo man! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the SHIT, YO!"

"Yeah, i know what u mean dawwwwg"

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Heroes in a half-shell--- Turtle Power!"

See Speed


One of the best U.S. cartoon series ever to exist, and first appeared as a comicbook in the early 1980s. Has 3 movie incarnations and 3 different series to air on TV, the newest appearing 2003.

Hey dawg, you saw Ninja Turtles yesterday? Them damn turtle boys iz bad azz fuck, my nigga!


A franchise that reached world-wide popularity circa-1990. The charactors were four mutated turtles that were the size of humans, crave pizza, talk and have expert martial at skills, learned from a similarly mutated giant rat... Master splinter. Their sworn enemy was The Shredder, or "Shreadhead"/"metalmouth".

I used to watch this before school every day 14 years ago.

See Gumba Gumba


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