Teeny Bopper

What is Teeny Bopper?


Stupid girls of ages 10-14 who squeal and giggle so much that Satan is willing to drag them back to hell. They brag about their boyfriends and show them off during lunch by sitting in a table full of shitty stupid 'couples'. They like pink and listen to stupid bubblegum pop and think they are teenagers and try to hard to act like them. They cry when they see a pimple...FOR FUCKIN SAKE ITS JUST A PIMPLE!!! IT'LL GO AWAY AND WHO THE HELL WILL CARE IF YOU HAVE A PIMPLE!!!??? They think they're all that and dress in pink, purple, mini-skirts, and T-shirts that say, 'Pop princess', or 'Ms. Attitude' and other crap like that. They like typing like this: 'l00k AnN I hAvE a NeW cElL!!! I kAn sLeEp OvEr yay!!! Like We CaN caLl up the B0iZ and pAiNt oUr naILz!!! g2g bi!!!!' it is so annoying. They think they're all that just because they have 'boyfriends'. They don't know the true definition of that word. They often write in their online journals, 'I lOvE jAsOn hE iS sO HotT I waNna Kiz hiM!!!!' When asked about their favorite hobby, they all scream like sluts, "SHOPPING!!!!"

Bopper: Hi WuSsUp hOmIe???

Me: You boppers suck serious ass. O_o


The ethnic group Hitler would focus on instead if he were alive today.

Teeny Bopper: Let's all get ice-cream sodas!

Hitler: Kommen sie um!

See Requiett


Teenage whore. They like to listen to shit music to be in a group. They flock around their tvs watchin MTV to see whats hip. They deck themselves out at hot topic to be like avril laving or good charlote or wear skimpy clothes when they are fat as hell and have backacne to be like britney spears. they always watch american idol and always vote for the gay guy. they are one of the most hated people in the world, next to terrorists.

Breaking news: The government ordered the genocide of teeny boppers.

See Rawr


An odd species of n00b that displays the following traits...

-Fond of MTV, Good Charlotte, the like.

-Plumage usually black with hot pink mixed in, markings usually in the form of the words "Punk Princess."

-Natural watering hole is a chatroom, where they use their mating call, which sounds like this. "LOL!!!111!Z liek aslz!143e12!!!"

Easiest way to kill them is disembowelment. Don't go for the head, they're like roaches.

"Break out the frags, guys, it's Teeny Bopper season."


Usually females from the ages of 10-15, who obsess over pop-punk bands, thinking they are hardcore, and are convinced they are married to one of them. They drive real fans insane and are hated by most intelligent people. They dress like slutty preps and their scream names are usually something along the lines of ***PuNk PrInCeSs 4 LyFe!!*** They also cannot complete a sentence without using the word "like" at least 5 times.

Lets kill all the teeny boppers, the world will be a better place.

See Ness


stupid little preteens or 13 year olds walking round like little tarts in slutty clothes thinkin dey all dat.

a 12 year old walking down the street in denim mini-mini skirt and a top saying "little devil".


A girl obsessed with pop culture, gossip and throwing up in bathrooms after meals in an attempt to fit in, act more mature or be cooler. This is often an attempt to overcompensate for other insecurities. They are also attention whores. Teeny Boppers are usually 10-16 years of age, or are college students with the mentality of a 10-16 year old.

If they are 18+ teeny boppers, they usually have no direction in life other then “I am an aspiring actress/dancer” while working as a hooters waitress and getting drunk on weekends. By the time they are 30, they usually have 8 out of style tattoos, 3 kids from 20 fathers, 50 extra pounds (if not more), and shoot heroin. They are often slaves to their hormones and emotions. They are incredibly friendly and fun loving one minute, then turn psycho and obsessive the next.

Last night at the club, I took home a teeny bopper chick. Dude, they are so easy but wont shut the fuck up.


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