Teeny Boppers

What is Teeny Boppers?


Teenagers; especially young teens who 'follow the pack'. This can mean; liking the same bands, wearing the same brand of clothes and adopting the same slang. This can be spotted as teeny boppers behaviour and not an indication of indivdual taste by the complete change of affectations and habits after about eight months have passed.

Teeny boppers:The current hatred of emo, by kids who are into punk. Also kids being emo, because its cool. Also the fact both groups wear converse all stars in a variety of colours. Although this will date very quickly as Green Day haven't released anything in a while.

See emo, punk, teenagers, green day, snotty, Rebecca


teenage girls between the ages of 12 and 17 who are basically cookie-cutter girls who wear the same things of every other girl you see. they always are wearing girly-girl clothes and they constantly giggle, gossip, and talk on their cellphones. they talk like this: "like, OMG, and he, like, said he wants to take me to the dance, and like, omg, and--" they hit another car while they are talking on their cell phone and blame it on the other driver. They usually drive a nice 'tricked out' car that their boyfiend spent all his money on or if they drive a fucked up car, it's got all kinds of trinkets inside of it like things hanging from the mirror and a steering wheel cover. they drive like they are the only drivers on the road adn act like nothing is their fault when everything is their fault and they cry when they get pulled over for speeding while cellphone chatting.

I was driving home from work and the highh school was letting out and i was passing by it and these 4 teeny boppers strut out into the street in front of my car without even looking both ways and i have to slam on the brakes to not hit them. I angrily honk at them and they, chatting on their cell phones, just keep walking in their baby phat and adidas clothes like they don't even see me and they roll their eyes at me, give me the finger, and shout at me like, "omg, shut up, bitch, i'm on my phone, can you, like, not see that?"

if there were no cops around, that teenie beenie bitch would've been afraid to step out into the street again.

See bitch, hoe, ho, slut, snob, whore, harlot, strumpet


Teeny Boppers are usally quite girly and glam (trying to be) or Wemo (wanna be emo) or a Poser of some sort.

1. The girly pretty princess noncense is very much envyed by many teens, teeny boppers are usally about 9 to 13 in my case.The girly boppers think the world of there self and think they are also as 'cool' as the popular gangs. They go on IM alot (MSN). Mostly they speak like this:

1 They can't finish a sentence with out like 1 like million like likes....

2 ThEy ThInK ItS wAy CoOl tO uSe DiFfErEnT


3 Some tend to use smiley faces like:

+] =] :) *_* and so on to only teeny boppers do so though (its sort of a trend hehe!)

4 They Love bands that are mainstream and disney music such as HSM (High School Musical) JoBros (Jonas Brothers) And Hannah Montanna (miley Cyrus). They do not usallylike the music for its talent normally (i stress normally) for the music thats 'in'

Type Two 2 Teeny Boppers

Yes, I dread but its the WEMO's for ones that don't know what this is its wanna be emo/Scenes/Goths and Punks.Not all 9-13 kids are Teeny Boppersor WEMO's but if they are failing badly yu can tell for example;


Try to be sad to fit in

Try to wear Black to fit in

Or just think they are all it by saying im a Punk_*Princess* kiss kiss blahh blahh... and try o have silly girly scene names.

but again some 9-13 are not posers!

To some it up there are to different types of teeny Boopers but not all are what they seam andjust because someone uses x or _ doesnt mean they are a TB

Teeny Boppers(): Hey Like OMG!!!...!111Im so like finking MCR is so like In like HAWTT!x=3 init girlly friend coe onhunzcYaxXxxOMFG!!x

Scene GIrl your Perfetic..

TB like omg i can'tbeliev that like im so hot like im nine and like i have myspace blahh blahh blahh

Scene *walks away* Mutters to self....

Not everyones lie that rubbish example hehe!=]P.s not every Teeny Bopper is nine with a Myspace i am Rubbish with exaples

See posers, tenny, wemo's, girly, like


Teeny Bopper can be guy or girl. They're usually with their "clique"; the one who they always hang out with. Majority of the teeny boppers are young teens. They're usually up to no good. Trouble, trouble, trouble. Never home, loud, live around rumors, and gossip. Have nothing better to do but talk about others, and think about themselves. Usually followers, not leaders. Teeny boppers are well known around town; What they do, did, done, you name it.

Teeny boppers;

Middle schooolers,

Freshmens, & Sophomores.

See immature


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