
What is Teenyboppers?


Twatty posers who spend ages on messageboards writing stuff like: "lyk, omg nsync r lyk soooooooooo hawt i luv dem so much dey r rly hawt and sexc and stuff and i luv dem and im gna mari jstin timberlandz even tho i wnt b able 2 sign da marige certifikat cuz i cnt spel mi own name!!!!!!!11111111 lolololololol!!!!11111111111"

dude, fucking teenybopppers, they're everywhere! get 'em off me! gaaa!


orlando bloom's Fanbase

"orli is liek, totally da hottest sexiest hunk of hotty in da hole world liek to da max ya know???????i liek soooooo i nkow im gonna marry him sooo, liek bac of fellow bitch teenyboppers hes mine!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!DIE KATE BITCHWORTH, DIE!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

See megan


The 2nd worst kind of 'human beings' on earth, 2nd only to posers.

Even God hates teenyboppers


Idiots who don't know what music is.

The world is coming to an end when teenyboppers think that Eminem is greater than Elvis.

See hermit


Flat-chested 11 and 12 year olds that worship non-flat-chested rappers wives, wear make-up thicker than their IQs, and post self-taken pictures of 8 different angles of their face on MySpace.

"zOmg, liek, i ttly went ^ anofer traina bra syz dis yr!!!!!!1!" Said the Teenyboppers in unison.

See teenies


stupid kids, ussually ages 13 to 19, who like to piss off everyone by going to the movies just for the hell of it, and not really the movies. after the movies, they usually hangout outside of the theatre arguing about wether they should go to starbucks or jamba juice. popular kids are usually found in the "teenybopper" crowd.

"shouldnt you fucking teenyboppers be at the fucking mall? i mean, it is friday."


1.A girl from the age of 12-15 who does not know any good music, and is really fake.

2. The Jonas Brothers fan club.

girl 1: OMG did you hear the new Jonas Brothers song??

girl 2: Yes! It was soooo good.

girl 1: And they are sooo Hot!

me: Please shut up you teenyboppers!

See plastics, jonas brothers, sluts, muffins, fake


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