What is Teh Intarweb?
The number one place to find pornography, hentai, message-boards that you can ruin or disrupt, free-to-add-definition dictionary websites that you can annoy, Invader Zim fan sites and me.
i r yoosing teh intarweb n u hav no frendz LOLZORS u r da suk haed.//!1
The internet, the world wide web, pron.
ohnoes teh hackars are on teh intarweb.
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Complaining or mumbling.The way Arnold Swartzsenegger talks in life and Snl (Saturday Night Live)skits.
Arraghragh He is my clone baby ..
When fisting your partner open your hand up inside as much as possible and twist it as fast as you can causing exstreem pleasure.