What is Teh Nuber Effekt Nubificus Maximatifacus?


The process by which exposure to idiots on the internet(or 'interwebz', 'intranets', or 'teh webz') slowly transforms a normal web goer, into a Noob. Those affected slowly lose the ability to type coherently, and type with any sense of grammar. Words like 'like' become 'leik' while words like 'hack' become 'Teh Haxxorz'. These 'noobs' also tend to swarm in massive groups, to internet forums, and websites, posting spam and other rediculous obsceneties. Also, the Noobs tend to over use the word 'pwn'.

So far, the only known weakness to a noob, is a female forum goer, or a 'btch' as noobs refer to them as.

The 'Nuber Effekt', makes all noobs allergic to females, which leads to the noob having a fit, and making comments such as 'U gt BF?', and 'lol buttsekz?'.

So far, there has been no discovered cure for 'Teh Nuber Effekt'. A nice swing of a ban hammer will keep them at bay for a while, but only for short periods of time.

His absurd post of "hail mah peniz, conkerer of da vag kween" showed how severly, "Teh Nuber Effekt" Nubificus Maximatifacus, had progressed.

See noobism


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