
What is Tehachapi?


cultural cesspool of southern california. Located about an hour east of bako. Populated by bros and sluts exclusively. Abundant in cheap shitty weed and alcohol. Lifted trucks are also a commonality driven by bros (see above).

There is no social scene and high schoolers spend their time getting high off the previously mention cheap weed and having unprotected sex in the back of their lifted trucks (see above). Teen pregnancy is quite high considering the relatively small size of the town.

Person1: hey want to go do something tonight?

Person2: we live in tehachapi...

Person1: I meant do you want to make babies?

Person2: oh yeah sure, i thought you meant do something fun

See bro, bako, fag, douche, slut, whore, weed, pot


the shittiest town on the planet. the STD vagina of the world.

hicks are from tehachapi.

See bako, lancaster, ridgecrest, arvin, wasco


One day god decided to make the worst town in the world. He made it in southern california and called it tehachapi, which translates roughly as "garbage" in native american.

tehachapi is an awful place

See bakersfield, bro, slut, whore, weed


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