
What is Telefrag?


To kill another being(s) by teleporting into the space they are occupying.

"That guy prefers to telefrag people instead of shooting them."


Many first-person shooter games have teleporters. Telefragging was afaik invented in DOOM, where if you teleport into space already occupied by a monster or player, you take over that space, fraggingthe monster or player.

In the final map of Quake, the way to kill the bossis to enter a teleporter when the other end of that teleporter enters the boss, thereby telefragging it.

Luke Vyrm got telefragged by daesotho!


To frag through teleportation. First appearance in the game of Doom.

Player A is standing on teleporter destination pad. Player B enters source pad. Player B ends up killing Player A.


To kill an opponent in a game of Quake by respawning or teleporting directly on top/into them.

"Ack! Telefragged!"


using the translocator to kill an opponent in Unreal Tournamnet

hey numb numb've been telefragged


Originating From the video game Halo when some one is "telefraged" it is now used to tell some one to pick up the phone

*phone rings*

person 1: Telefrag!!

person 2: *picks up phone*

See telefrag, frag, tele, teleport, halo, phone


In Halo, to attempt to continue a teleport while another player is standing on the tele pad, despite warnings of "The Teleporter is Blocked"

The player on the teleport is then killed, dubbed a 'Telefrag.'

Taken from Unreal Tournament.

You have been telefragged!


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