Tell Hell

What is Tell Hell?


A flood of private communication from multiple sources that cause sensory overload in the recipient, rendering him or her unable to carry on any of the multiple conversations in a timely manner. So named because in early MMORPGs (such as Everquest) which emphasized such social interaction, the command to send a private message to another user was /tell.

(17:44)OrcMan tells you, "Hey, you coming to the raid tonight?"

(17:44)GoblinGirl tells you, "Where you been?"

(17:44)WitchCrafter tells you "Hey, you there?"

(17:45)Guildleader tells you "What's the deal with OfficerX?"

(17:45)You shout, "ARGH! I'm in TELL HELL!"

See mmorpg, instant messaging, chat, wow, everquest


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