
What is Tenafly?


One of the richest towns in New Jersey, The East Coast, The United States, etc. Home to JAPs, jews, Posers, and recently being taken over by many asians. The high school student parking lot contains nicer cars than the faculty's. SATs are always aced, sports events are always won. "Punk" people are posers, "ghetto" people are expelled. Kids write bomb threats in bathrooms, and cause security cameras around the school. Summers are spent at camp and in the hamptons, winters in Aspen and the caribbian. In the 7th and 8th Grade Bar/Bat Mitzvahs take up the weekends. There at least one or two Bar/Bat Mitzvah's are attended per weekend. In 10th grade Sweet Sixteens are held. Parents are lawyers, doctors, executives, investment bankers, etc. The bottom deciles of the graduating class of Millburn High still go to top 100 schools. The entire town reeks of spolied brats.

Tenafly is the milky goodness of jew jersey

See jewish american princess, parties, slut, whore, shishkabob


Tenafly aka Tenafry

See Korea

I move back to tenafry (tenafly) to see famiry.

See tenafly, korea, kim, kim-chee


Tenafly is a both wonderful and terrible place. Children are first influenced into being brats when they're born. They come from families with extreme amounts of money. Their parents give them whatever they want and they soon become the spoiled brats they were destined to be. There are a few children who's parents influence them and they become very good people. The popular girls are japsand are very rude. They dress like sluts and get not so good grades (bad). The popular boys are on every travel team thought possible from soccer to lacrosse. They tend to be extremely hot and are considered to be dicks. They also come from families with alot of money so they throw fabulous parties that are spred al over the schools to make the unpopulars feel bad about themselves. The popular boys get the best grades in the grade. In 6th grade the 4 elementary schools come together into one big middle school and all the populars already know each other so don't try to become popular in the non-existant confusion. In seventh grade the bar and bat mitzvahs start and every week end you go to the 30,000 dollar party of some richsnob who was forced to invite you by their parents. 8th grade the popular groups dissapate alittle bit and the kids start feeling more comfortable with themselves and their friends. In the 9th through 12th grade the really richh kids are easily told appart from the poorer kids from the difference in cars, from porches to station wagons these kids are really different. Then everyone goes off to colege and the popular girls end up as whores, married to rich men and get lots of plastic surgery, or work in McDonalds. The popular boys end up as millionairs because they were geniuses in the first place. No matter how big of dicks they are, their parents have enough money to pull strings on the college boards.They mostly end up as people like Madoff or back where they started in Tenafly. All the losers end up being rich and succesful and bloom into wonderful people.

Those Tenafly japs are so rude. They're all about the money Papa has in the bank.

See brats, japs, spoiled, sluts, porche, snob


Tenafly aka Tenafry

See Korea

I move back to tenafry (tenafly) to see famiry.

See korea, jewish, gangsta, bomb, threat


Jews and Asian over populate the town. A place where the cops are assholes, parents are over protected. Middle school girls are Jappy and annoying, there prude to the max and make stupid cliques, but the boys of the eighth and ninth grade are chill, 10th graders are also chill but some are dicks, some of the juniors girls of 05-06 are fucking hot and sluty, the guys are in somewhat cool but some are dicks to other kids. Are ninth grade is freaking beastly; the juniors are also the beastly kids of 05-06. Some kids in our town like to be ghetto and some like to be preps but the ghetto kids are just posers unless there really down preps are freaking pussys. Eighth grade boys don’t start with other grades or other towns but basically everyone in the eight grade has their friends backs, in ninth and tenth and 11th have each others backs and the whole high school is basically chill with each other.

Tenafly is the prep ghetto.

See japs, preps, smarties, sluts


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