
What is Tendoroni?


A P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)

Michael Jackson- "PYT" ("Thriller" Album 1983)

"Where Did You Come From Lady

And Ooh Won't You Take Me There

Right Away Won't You Baby

Tendoroni You've Got To Be

Spark My Nature

Sugar Fly With Me..."

Bobby Brown- "Roni" ("Don't Be Cruel" Album 1988)

"The truth about a roni, she's a sweet little girl

You can treat her right, feel nice, and hold her tight

Only tenderonies can give a special love

A special kind of love that makes ya feel good inside"

MC Magic (200-)

"She's my tenderoni

My sweet sexy girl

(my tendoroni let me show u how I'm gonna love u girl tonight)"

See pyt, aphrodite


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