
What is Tennessee?


Things you Should Know Abot TN Before Moving Here (for Northerners):

1.What sweet tea(tea with sugar) amd sweet milk (not buttermilk) are.

2mphis is Detroit with a Southern accent.

3.No snowdays. Just "ice on the road" days. If the temp goes below 25F, we think a new Ice Age is upon us.

4.110 F is "a tad warm".

5. "Kiss my ass" is a perfectly acceptable way to end an argument.

6. Saying "Bless her/his heart" before you insult someone will safely allow you to drag them through the mud.

7.Toast is unnatural. Eat biscuits like God meant you to.

8. Flirtin' is Southern tradition. It doesn't mean you're getting lucky.

9. If you try to speak with our accent, remember draw out your vowels, y'all is two or more people, and y'all's is plural possessive. Don't blame me if you get an ass-whoopin'.

10. If you don't like it down here, the airline goes both ways.

All my exes live in Texas that's why I reside with pride in Tennessee


By far the best southern state.

TN kicks ass.


The most fantastic place in the world to live. If you live in the suburbs, you get great public schools, nice shopping, and those fantastic accents.

I miss my home. :(

See ....


Tennessee is a wonderful state overall. Everything about it is nice. The people are very friendly. There is no one I know of that wouldn't be glad to help you out with something, like give you driving directions perhaps. Also, the state is beautiful, and has many breathtaking views that will keep you gazing for hours. Don't believe these other people that are not from Tennessee when they say anything negative. Most of it is not true, such as "we are uneducated." In fact, we have great school systems with teachers that actually teach many things that could be considered useful in life one day. Believe me..I am from Tennessee. Does this look written by an uneducated person? Here to defend the state in which I live in, and the best state of this country..the great state of Tennessee.

I am a Tennessean, and sure proud of it! Tennessee is one of the best states in this country!!

See tennessee, south, best, state, great


A state much better than Kentucky and home of the Volunteers!!!

ITS Football Time in TENNESSEE!!!

See Brad


The best damn place to live on EARTH. All the haters can suck the exhaust of my 88 I-ROC. We've got the hottest women, the best hunting, the nicest pickup trucks, and best of all, the best football team! NATIONAL CHAMPS 1998!!

Tennessee is Utopia

See staff


Wish that I was on ole rocky top,

Down in the tennessee hills.

Ain’t no smoggy smoke on rocky top,

Ain’t no telephone bills.

Once there was a girl on rocky top,

Half bear the other half cat.

Wild as a mink, sweet as soda pop,

I still dream about that.

Rocky top, you’ll always be

Home sweet home to me.

Good ole rocky top,

Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.

Once two strangers climbed on rocky top,

Lookin’ for a moonshine still.

Strangers ain’t come back from rocky top,

Guess they never will.

Corn won’t grow at all on rocky top,

Dirt’s too rocky by far.

That’s why all the folks on rocky top

Get their corn from a jar.

Rocky top, you’ll always be

Home sweet home to me.

Good ole rocky top,

Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.

Now I’ve had years of cramped up city life,

Trapped like a duck in a pen.

Now all I know is it’s a pity life

Can’t be simple again.

Rocky top, you’ll always be

Home sweet home to me.

Good ole rocky top,

Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.

Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.

Yeah rocky top tennesee eee eee eee.

Tennessee has the reddest rednecks in the world! Myself included!

See moose nuts


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