Tennessee Doorbell

What is Tennessee Doorbell?


When someone in a carsits in the driveway or on the street and rudely honks their hornto signal someone to come out to them, instead of getting out of the car and going to the door to knock or ring the doorbell.

Cletus had to annoy all the neighbors by using the Tennessee doorbell to get Billy Bob to come get in his car. Why can't that fat hillbilly idiot get out of his car and knock like civilized people do?

See tennessee, hillbilly, hick, hilljack, redneck, rural, country, cletus, unsophisticated, bumpkin, frump factor, klunker, fatass, rude, lardass, lazy, fatard, hoggers, hoggy, vitellius, fatso fatty butt, ffb, eater, shitvette, lard wagon, dumb, annoying, doorbell, noise, white trash, trailer trash, tacky, cheap, tennessee tuck in, tennessee torpedo


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