Tennessee Steak

What is Tennessee Steak?


Bologna. Trailer trash in Tennessee buy junk food instead of good food. Along with chips and soda they love bologna, which to them is what steaks are to the rest of us.

Billy Dan had him some nice Tennessee steak for lunch. It was 99 cents a pound at the Piggly Wiggly store.

See tennessee, hillbilly, hick, hilljack, redneck, rural, country, cletus, unsophisticated, bumpkin, frump factor, rude, lardass, lazy, fatard, hoggers, hoggy, vitellius, fatso fatty butt, ffb, eater, meat, baloney, bologna, food, lunch, fried, lard wagon, dumb, white trash, trailer trash, tacky, cheap, tennessee tuck in, tennessee torpedo


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