
What is Tenorism?


The practise of terrorizing your surroundings with a very hich pitch voice

Al quaida was a well known tenorist


Any of a vast assortment of wise sayings and facts that are held only by Tenors (the uppermost men's voice in a choral ensemble). It is revealed only to those in the choral world that the tenors themselves feel worthy.

John Doe revealed to the alto section some incredible tenorisms that blew them away with his supreme wisdom.

See tenor, choir, music, section


A noun, originated in late 21st century America, in a small NY suburb. Anything that is contained under the category of a tenor statement or idea, which generally proclaim tenors as gods, as we all know them to be.

"A choir without a tenor is like a car without a muffler. You can pretend not to notice, but in the end, you know it's driving you up the wall." This statement is a Tenorism.

See The Legendary Tenor


It is the study to be a perfect tenor, which is the best part in the entire choir section. If one is of Tenorism, he is perfect and without blemish in the music world that so needs to be influenced by the perfectness of Tenorism.

That not you sang was almost Tenorism


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