
What is Teocawki?


TEOCAWKI is an acronym for the phrase “The End Of Civilization As We Know It“.

A TEOCAWKI happens when an event or events change all or portion of the Earth’s population’s

values, ideals, way of thinking, social structure, view point or how the interact with one another.

It is likely the ones that under going the change will not notices that they are changing and that it will only

be seen by persons that have managed to resist changing. Even thou one does not change the way that others are the fact that others around him or her are changing will affect a change on him or her. Society is ever changing and evolving the values, ideals, way of thinking, social structure, view point or how the interact with one another was different when your great great great grandparents were alive and will be different when your great great grandchildren are borne.

If same sex marriages are legalized it could very well be teocawki.

See teotwawki, bob, bov, mag, survivalist


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