
What is Terror?


An evil Fascist country that America is currently at war against.

*Established- September 11, 2001

*Presidents- (1) Saddam Hussein (2001-2003)

(2) Abu Musab Al Zaraqwi (2004-2006)

(3) Osama Bin Ladin (whenever convenient)

(4) To be determined by the CIA

*Religion- Different brands of Islam, primarily JIHAD

*Population- One billiion America hating persons are citizens of Terror, they are commonly reffered to as terrorists or terrorrees.

*Location- Uknown, can not be found on map. They are that sneaky.

*Economy- No one works, everyone is to busy hating America. Most of the money flowing in and out of Terror, quite ironically, is a direct result of U.S. "foreign aid". Individual radicals also contribute funds.

*Language- America hating arabic

*Holidays- Terror has two main holidays:

(1) Ramadan- consists of fasting and praying

(2) September 11th- citiznes are required to dance in the streets with joy and shout "Death to America".

*Military- A sophisticated, coordinated and very organized military that is determined to destroy America. Although they have not done so yet, they are 100% capable of sending a platoon of 1,000 to combat American forces anywhere in the world.

*Controversy- Some obviously insane individuals seem to believe Terror is not a country, but a tactic of individual persons and/or small groups.

We are at war with Terror.

America is safer from Terror, but it is not yet safe.

Terror hates freedom.

Before WWIII started, i used to vacation in Terror, but its just to violent now.

See nazi, hitler, 9/11, iraq, wwii, wwiii, terrorists, jihad


Acts which make you scared, really, really SCARED! Threats of violence so overwhelming that you would do anything, ANYTHING, to stop it. Even give up your liberty and privacy. Terror is something only the great President of America can thwart. Bush will go down in history as the first American leader to figure out how to use fear of death against the populace to control them and make them support his evil agenda. (Read: Greet terror. Kiss your freedom goodbye)

Today the terror alert is red, so we must invade another country that harbors terrorists (and incidentally owns a great amount of non-renewable natural resourses). Be scared, very scared, but fear not, for we will prevail against terror. But be warned, you will have to give up many of your liberties for this great cause of evil. Ummm, I mean "freedom".

See terror, fear, bush, war, greed, oil, bin laden, america, christian


An often misused word. Terror is a n emotion simmilar to fear. Terrorism is an act of inflicting terror. terror is to be scared

when he said "Boo" i felt terror running through me.

See terror, terrorism, george, w, bush


Adj. Used to describe something that is at once terrible and awesome.

Check this punk mother fucker out. That dude is terror.

What are you wearing? Your gear is terror as hell.

See badass, ill, fresh, cool, bomb


A fucking awesome death metal band

That terror show was amazing

See terror, death, metal, hardcore, metalcore, roadrunner


l337 man who is called PoT t3rr0r and ownz on DoD and CSS

titch and black knight t3rr0r


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