
What is Tev?


A shortened form of "whatever", usually expressing disinterest or mild defensive derision.

Origin unknown, but likely formed simultaneously in numerous locales

Related to TEEV

Another way of saying "Lame"

1. (Dude 1) "Dude, let's watch Lord of the Rings again!"

(Dude 2) "Tev, you said we were gonna watch Jackass."

2. (Chick 1) "Gawd, I love that cookie dough ice cream!"

(Chick 2) "Tev, I could take it or leave it."

See whatever, teev, tever, whatev, lame


A shortened form of "whatever".

Whatever > Whatev > Tev

Orginated in Wayne, NJ.

"Tev, mate."

"Should I wear pumas or chucks tonight?"


See Laura


Short from of "whatever". Expresses apathy while attempting to not be rude.

-Want to go to the mall with me later?



the same as watever just shortened

and straight to the point

boy-i cant hang out this weekend


See ugh, ok, watev, whatever


Short for whatever. Generally board slang.

Other acceptable forms:



not so acceptable form:


Person 1: omgzors!!1!!!1!that is sooo scene!

Person 2: tevs

Person 3: touché


Tera electron Volts. Refers to a quanta of energy with 10^12 times the amount of a singular electron Volt (eV).

1 TeV = 1.60217646 × 10^-7 Joules


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