What is Texas Christian University?


Texas Christian University is a private university located in Fort Worth, Texas. Home of the Horned Frogs, and LaDainian Tomlinson, aka the best football player in the history of EVER!!!! Bob Schieffer, a popular journalist, also attended TCU. The school colors are purple and white. Basically, the best private Christian school in the state!

Jenna: I went to Dallas Baptist University!

Kasey: Man, really? Nobody goes there. If you want a good Christian college, you better get your butt over to Texas Christian University!

See texas, christian, baptist, fort worth, tcu, purple, white, san diego, best, ever, school


This is an institution in Fort Worth, TX. It is populated by wannabe-yuppie scum who are busy learning to be real yuppie scum. Many decadent people attend this school, but enjoy the facade that going to a "respectable" school gives them. Ted Bundy would be in heaven here. Also, some people have been forced to leave their homes when TCU decided to pay people to wreck them to the ground, that way this institution could have YET ANOTHER building for yuppie "education", even as they already have a whooooole lot of 'em. To openly insult these untouchables while living in Fort Worth is not only the epitome of "uncool" here, but also potentially harmful to you.

In Fort Worth, to submit to, obey, and appease people like those who populate the Texas Christian University campus is considered REAL REBELLION. If you don't find this scenario palatable, DON'T COME HERE. STAY AWAY. I'M WARNING YOU BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.

See tcu, texas, christian, university, yuppies, fascism


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