Text Flirting

What is Text Flirting?



-to engage a text conversation with a person of interest with flirtatious intent

-sending messages that seem innocent, but have sexual undertones and innuendos

-often done as a preliminary test to determine the best way to seduce the other person

-widely used due to its convenience and inconspicuousness

Guy 1: "yo, what's up with you and Kelley?"

Guy 2: "not sure yet, but we've been text flirting like crazy the past couple days"

Guy 1: "yeah man! you gonna hit that shit!"

text flirting in action:

John: "hey cutie, wut u up to?"

Jane: "hmm, not much. just at home watchin tv"

John: "im jealous....wish i could be there too ;)"

Jane: "lol ur too funny! it is prtty cold here, too bad i dun have any1 here to warm me up..."

See texting, flirting, foreplay, phones, secret, sex, innuendo


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