What is Textsex?
1. Sexually-themed communications through
2. Communicating sexually to another person through a cell phone or Blackberry via SMS or MMS text-messaging protocols.
Guy A: So, did you ever meet that chick from OkCupid?
Guy B: No, she was in middle school so we just had textsex.
Guy A: Smooth moves, brotha. The cops won't be knocking at your door.
(Guys high-five.)
Examples of textsex-ing:
Chick: howz work? wanna play l8r?
Dude: gawd, my ballz ache for ur mouth
Chick: only if u slip me teh shocker baby!
Dude: ive got a major boner. r u wet?
Chick: im on my period
Dude: my boner went away
Chick 1: i gotta new drilldo 2day for us
Chick 2: im creaming my hairy puss now
Textsex (verb)
1) The exchange of text messages (SMS) of an explicit nature in order to achieve some minor sexual gratification.
2) The simulation of sex via textual communications in a role play style (similar to cybersex)
Example: I had textsex with him last night.
Example2: Let's have textsex...