Textual Relations

What is Textual Relations?


To engage in dirty talk with ones partner via text message.

My thumbs are killin me, I was engaged in some heavy duty textual relations!!!

See relations, text, dirtytalk, partner, conversation


Kind of like Phone Sex, but in a text message.

I did NOT have Textual Relations with that woman.

See texting, sexual relations, sex, text, phone


Flirting, maintaining a romantic relationship via a text message from a cell phone, an email, or a postal mail letter, such as pen pals or maintenance of a long distance relationship. Textual relations are often used when two people feel the need to carefully choose their words; when thought and careful composition of thought over a longer period of time are required; when the fear of spoken conversation may be misunderstood or taken in the wrong context.

I use my word processor to carefully compose my thoughts before sending my messages out to any of my textual relations.

See context, flirting, spoken word, composition, cell phone, text message, long distance relationship, misunderstood


talking about having sex, or any other sexual acts with the person you are texting as if they were happing right then.

Nick: i would lick you and then i would eat you out.

Molly: then i would give you a blow job and then we would fuck.

Nick: i want you soooo bad!

Nick (to his friend): me and molly totally had textual relations last night!

See sex, sexual, text, doing


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