What is Tfos?
The Pronitzkavian Story of the Scapelse theorie: In the beginning there was only the TFoSity (and Axe Porn). At a time of boredom the TFoSity created the one TFoSicle. In that moment the world materialized out of the nothingness.
You see my friend, all of us have a TFoSicle inside us. When you have balanced your inner landscape, you will find your TFoSicle. Only when you have embraced it you can become a TFoS.
We are all a part of the TFoSity. When you have embarked on the path to balance your inner landscape, you are in the state of TFoSiliciousness, thus on your way to become a true TFoS.
Us TFoS are one. One are us TFoS.
-Am I a TFoS?
-If you doubt your TFoSiliciousness, you are not a true TFoS.
The TFoS has no synonyms.
TFOS is not the same as TFoS.
Also see "Axe Porn", TFoSity, TFoSiliciousness and TFoSicle.