
What is Tg4?


(pronounced T-G-Cah-her)

Irish television station. Is supposed to have all-Irish programs (ie. as Gaeilge) but is known to show preppy shows like THE OC and ONE TREE HILL to encourage viewers to watch it.

Also shows American cartoons dubbed over in Irish.

Mainly known amongst young people as a homework assignment that their Irish teacher gave them to improve their aural skills.

Mary: Did you watch TG4 last night? We were meant to write a page about what was on.

Una: Nah, I'm just gonna make up an episode of Spongebob. She won't know the difference, the thick eejit.

See rte, spongebob, gaeilge, irish, ireland


4 young talented girls frm b2k's camp called t.u.g

That new group called tg4 is hot


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