
What is Tha?


=The. See da.

I'm tha only nigga!


Zarloffian god of random creativity and fits of drunken violence. THA is believed to have sprouted forth from the loins of an assortment of hobos from New York to Bangladesh. THA is believed to have slewn the ice dragon, Kapplekorn the Sort-of Confused, but it was only a rusted tree stump; and owns and shield made from dry, flattened feces he recieved as sacrifices from his disciples in Detroit. The Zarloffians believe that the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius was THA defecating a defecation of monolithic proportions that he'd apparently been holding for centuries.

THA will grind you to dust with his iron lymph nodes...bitch. Then drunkenly whore about the town square...

See tha, 2, cream



Yorkshire dialect of the English language.

The "a" can be extended to mean "your"

Tha dunt gerrit, does tha? (You don't get it, do you?)

Does tha noh? (Do you know?)

If ever tha does owt for nowt, allus dit for thi'sen. (If ever you do anything for nothing, always do it for yourself.)

What's tha name? (What's your name?)

It's tha's (it's yours)

See you, thee, your, yours, yorkshire


The retarded way of saying "the"

Tha shit!

See Gumba Gumba


Freakin stupid way of spelling 'the' since it sounds exactly the same.

Wigger: You are tha dopest girl

Girl: stfu


A misspelling of the. Used by people who incorrectly believe themselves to be cool.

"I am THA WILD." -- Omega Death

See Bleh


Northern English for informal "You"

"Tha "thas" them that "thas" thee, lad"


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