
What is Thank?


(tr.v) When a man smacks his now-flaccid, post-ejaculatory penis against a woman's lips gently in an act of appreciation for oral sex.

See blowjob

"Phill thanked Jill a few times after he was finished."

"Do you think she would get pissed off if I thanked her a bit?"

"Did you know that michael thanks carrie?

"You ca-an s-s-top thanking me now ple-e-ase.."

See oral sex, thanks, blowjob, blow job, barium


How to thank someone who doesn't deserve the 'S' at the end of 'Thanks' or the 'You' at the end of 'Thank you.' A sarcastic 'Thank you'.

"I moved your car, but it got towed."


See thank you, thanks, your welcome


past tense of "to think"...see "thought"

ie: "so i thank earlier..."

See think, thought, thank, gratitude


See Think, Thank, Thonk

Please look up Think, Thank, Thonk

See see, think, thank, thonk, cheers


What You Say When You Get Nervouse

*bill is trying to hit on a Rhi*

Bill:Can You Plz Pass The Suger.

Rhi: Sure, Here You Go.

Bill *Thinking: should i say thanks or thank you

Bill: Thank

*rhi leaves*

See thanks, thank you, idiot


Used by idiots for "Hello", or "Hey, do you think you could do me a favour?".

*in World of Warcraft*

Player X has opened a trade with you.

Player X whispers: thank

See world of warcraft, idiot, stupid, retard, retarded, care?


Used by idiots, or most commonly viets in MMORPG's that say Thank, instead of thank you, thanks, ect.

"Buying 64+7 Sword PM me. Thank!"

See thank, thanks, thank you, viet, gook


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