
What is Thankles?


theighs that go all the way down

"Sam has thankles"


No separation between the thigh and the ankle.Ususally seen in very chunkdified women.

She had thankles like an elephant.

See bt


Thankles are when you are massively fat and you surpass cankles ( when your so fat you cant see where there ankle fat begins and the calf fat ends) making it impossible to see where your thigh fat ends and your ankle fat begins.

You are so fat you have thankles.

See fat, cankles, massive, chubby, lard


when the size of the thigh extends down to the ankles. taken from the eanglish words thigh + ankle

just picture the fattest person that comes to mind and look down. you know exactly what i mean. THANKLES

See thigh, ankles


When an extremely obese person's thigh fat is so out of hand that it appears to engulf the knee, bypass the shin and calf and ends up stopping at the ankles. Combination of "thigh" and "ankles".

Brett: Hey, Did you see that woman standing in the buffet line?

Gabe: Hell yeah, how could I miss her. She's rocking some mean thankles.

See fat, obese, big boned, overweight


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