That's Craptastic!

What is That's Craptastic!?


see crapor craptastic

1) used to genuinely show that you don't care about someones story

2) used to quickly change conversation topic when you desperately need to tell someone something

also; Craptastical, Craponderful, or Crapawsome.


Raquel:...sooo... it was... sooooooo boring at my aunts. I mean, like... soooooo boring...

Morgan: Yea, That's Craptastic!, Raquel.... bye.


Jordane: hey Tay-Taaay! watsup? iamsoooo happy cuz...

Taylor: That's Craptastic!... don't call me Tay-Tay.

See crap, craptastic, craptastical, annoying, conversation, poop


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