The Architect

What is The Architect?


An idiot in the Matrix who uses such complex words that you can't understand what the fuck he's saying.

The Architect: Ergo, concordantly, vis-a-vis. ...You know what? I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying. I just thought it would make me sound cool."

See architect, gay, matrix, gaytrix


The Architect is a character from Matrix Revolutions who uses a limited vocabulary of over complicated words. In the world of the Matrix he is a 'God' figure.

The Architect bears an uncanny resembelence to 'God'.


*Not from the Matrix*

the architect is the most powerful being. not a goD, but a man who's genious is so great that he trAnsmetamorphincarnated into the next level of physical existance which none of us have seen or can imagine because we are not as meNtally advanced as him. He is responsible for giving mankind the power of choice.

He was born on an island far away In the middle of the largest of oceans from the seed of the lion of the tribE of judah and womb of the virgin mary. upon birth he recieved two gifts of inteLligence and spirituality from shiva and budah. zues wished to test the architect when he was only but a child by sending the archdemon baalzebub against him. the architect proved himself when he convinced the bastard demon to Sever its own head after only a brief moment of shared dialouge. as a reward, jesus gave the arChitect a multipurpose swiss army knife and permission to use it for anytHing but to kill. with use of his tool, the architect built a boat and sailed uround the World. as he came to new lands, he offered to constuct one thing for each cIvilization. the panama canal, the hoover dam, the eifel tower, the grEat pyramids. all along the way he faught fierce monsters and influenced mankind like By helping in the capturE of sadam husane. he was searching for the end of the ocean, the point where there was no where else to go, but he never found it. his journey ended when he came back to his island. there he stopped and built and constructed antaRctica and moved it to the top of the world (which mankind thought was the bottom). there he made mountains, labrynths, fortresses, and many feats of architecture. to this day he is architecturing not only physical Things, but the fates and minds of the collective mankind.

I am The Architect, you want to listen to me because you know that what I say will bring you ultimate truth.

See architect, god, smart, wise, intelligent, one, build, construct


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