What is The Art Of Procrastination?


1. The art of mastering procrastination.

2. When you master procrastination well enough to know exactly when to screw off or work. You also know how to set things up so that you appear to be working, but really your just playing Tetris, looking at porn, etc.

Note: As a fair warning to anyone that tries this: it can be difficult at first, so don't do anything that can get you fired for the first few weeks. NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. EVER.

1. This is an example of a shitty definition of the Art of Procrastination. (lol?)

2. You are playing your PSP when your boss walks in. You hide it somewhere that you already planned out on your desk. Your boss looks at your desk and sees your papers and a pen or whatever. The point is that he thinks your working. Your boss leaves and you pull out your PSP again until you know you need to work and still being able to get things done in a comfortable amount of time.

See procrastinating, procrastination, art, skillz, brilliant


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