The Band

What is The Band?


For about six years, from 1968 through 1975, the Band was one of the most popular and influential rock groups in the world, their music embraced by critics (and, to a somewhat lesser degree, the public) as seriously as the music of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Their albums were analyzed and reviewed as intensely as any records by their one-time employer and sometime mentor Bob Dylan. And for a long time, their personalities were as recognizable individually to the casual music public as the members of the Beatles.

The Band might be he best band there is


It's OK, I'm with them.

Most people have been with the band at some point in time.

See the, band, music, with, them


a group that specializes in gangsta rap and hardcore beats

they are 7 of the most gangsta rappers out there

G-Rep, J-Wizzle, St. Ce-Ce,George.I.Am,Dr. Dre-ah,Ty-Rex, and Gingerflyare members of The Band

See band, rap, 7, gangster, rappers, beats, rhythm


The group at school who has wayyy more trophies than anyone else in school, including the football team, whose case we almost had to fill up because we were running out of room.

The band rules the school and have some pretty hott members..well did,they mostly graduated..:(


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