The Barbed- Anus

What is The Barbed- Anus?


warning this should only be attempted by hardcore christians. this involves taking a stake in the shape of the cross and wrapping it in barbed wire. You then take a replica light saber (courtesy of star wars) and wrap it with the same razor wire used to wrap the stake. The stake is then inserted into the girls ass well chanting ABRA CODABRA and some other crazy hymns. You then take the light saber and insert it into a bible. You then take the bible and insert the entire concoction into the girls open honey pot until only the end of the lightsaber can be seen. take the end of the light saber and begin spining it making the razor wire rip apart the pages of the bible leaving some holy shit inside her uterus. the remove the stake and pray. usually followed by the little brother. the barbed-anus

The barbed- anus was performed long ago by darth vader. PS. parachute pants

See parachute pants, barbed, anus


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