What is The Basement Syndrome?


to have a perfectly normal human being walk into a finished basement with random gaming consoles and computers, just to emerge a lazy ass, natural light hating, racist douche bag.

Before the Basement Syndrome kicked in Buddy used to run track and like black people, but since he went into the basement all he does is sit on the computer and complain about dem new "ni**as" at work.

Them-How long has the Dark Knight been playing?

You- I don't know.

Them-Than why don't you change it?

You-I cant its to fare away.

Them-But your a foot away from the remote.

You-Your moms a foot away from the remote.

The basement is so racist even the KKK would walk do the stairs and say "to hell with this bullshit"

See lazy ass, basement, console, random, normal


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