What is The Bear Creek School?


This school actually isn't as bad as it's cracked up to be from prior posts. It's a small, Private Christian school. Simply being a Christian School in its essence makes it seem as if it's a very selective, conservative school. I do not deny the fact that it is conservative. As for the issue regarding sex at Bear Creek, that is something taken very seriously there, because of the Christian beliefs that the school is sworn to uphold. It is not true that you are expelled simply for having sex, but there are consequences for it. As for the Headmistress, you CAN NOT base your entire view of the school simply because of her. That is a gross oversight that should be avoided in any situation. The majority of the teachers there do not hold to such high strung conservative standards. It is nearly only the high-ranking faculty that has those views. And personally, I don't think that even those persons truly hold the conservative standards shown, but are pressured to them through the authority above them.

My speech is done. Do not over-generalize.


The gayest school on the face of the planet, filled with conservative bible banging, abortion clinic bombing idiots. Located in Redmond, Washington

Guy 1: Hey, I heard that guy goes to The Bear Creek School

Guy 2: Daaaamn, sucks to be him.


Hardest bible hittin folks you'll ever meet. If you have sex you are expelled, no not sex on campus, just sex in general. and the headmistress says I quote "you should wait until after marriage to have sex, even a week after marraige to have sex" what does the average bearcreeker have to say about this? FUCK NO! I'M NOT MAKING IT TO 10TH GRADE AS A VIRGIN! YOU EXPECT A WEEK AFTER MARRAIGE?!??

Guy 1: You go to bear creek don't you?


*Guy one beats shit out of guy 2*

Guy 1: now I have to go beat up the entire school, which is like 5 kids.


I unfortunatly attend this gay ass school... its like a fucking dictatorship i only stay cause of the teachers and my friends its the administration thats fucked! *Shudder* stupid honor code rules and uniforms!

The Bear Creek School... *shudder*


Synonymous with "Communist Dictatorship". See also "Nazi Party". School body is primarly white upperclass. It is rumored that blacks and latinos wishing to apply are turned away.

Black guy trying to apply: "Yo, foshizzle, yo' ass better let my ass in, know what im' sayin?

School Board: Heavens! God forbid we have a dark one roming the halls! He might blow us all up!

Third party: Um no he's black not muslim...

School Board: Did the word Muslim reach our ears?? How dare you speak of those heathen terrorists around us! (they then proceed to rend their garments and beat both the black man and the third party to death with King James bibles)

See Bob


To the honorable dipshit above me, known to most of the world as Kirby, I extend to you a hearty "fuck you". Let’s dissect your specific dipshitisms one by one, shall we?

“This school actually isn't as bad as it's cracked up to be from prior posts”

Yes, yes it is. Don’t agree? Go fuck yourself.

“It's a small, Private Christian school. Simply being a Christian School in its essence makes it seem as if it's a very selective, conservative school”

If by selective, you mean that they let in every Christian self-absorbed asshole in the state of Washington in, then yes, yes they are selective. And by conservative, I’m sure you mean to say the Christian equivalent of the Islamic schools that train suicide bombers.

“I do not deny the fact that it is conservative.”

Good, call your dipshitism failed to show through for once.

“As for the issue regarding sex at Bear Creek, that is something taken very seriously there,”

What’s there to take seriously? It’s not rocket science.

“because of the Christian beliefs that the school is sworn to uphold.”

I could rant for pages on the stupidity of Christianity, the Christian belief system, and Christianity’s actions throughout history; instead, I’ll just leave it at ‘Christianity sucks cock” and leave it at that.

“It is not true that you are expelled simply for having sex, but there are consequences for it.”

Yes it is, one person got virtually expelled last year for that sole reason. Reasons for it? Oh no! If one person at Bear Creek get laid the rest of the boys at the school might realize they have penises too! And those penises can be used for things other than pissing and whacking it! The horror!

“As for the Headmistress, you CAN NOT base your entire view of the school simply because of her.”

If Bush says something stupid, that reflects badly on the country. Why wouldn’t Price’s actions reflect badly on the school? Just to clarify, I’m not comparing her to Bush in power, just in conservatism dipshitism.

“That is a gross oversight that should be avoided in any situation.”

Go back to sucking Ord’s cock and learn some real logic. Oh, damn. Bear Creek doesn’t teach real logic, it just teaches you how to defend a bad belief system badly. Scratch that I guess.

“The majority of the teachers there do not hold to such high strung conservative standards.”

Bullshit, plain and simple.

“It is nearly only the high-ranking faculty that has those views.”


“And personally, I don't think that even those persons truly hold the conservative standards shown, but are pressured to them through the authority above them.”

I see your bullshit and raise you horseshit. I’m sure the “authority above them” told them that God sent AIDS as well.

Enjoy your stay in Hell, known to the majority of mankind as the shithole that is Bear Creek. On that note, I leave you the lyrics to a song near and dear to my heart.

You're such an inspiration for the ways that I will never ever choose to be

Oh so many ways for me to show you how your savior has abandoned you

Fuck your god

Your lord, your christ

He did this

Took all you had and

Left you this way

Still you pray, never stray, never

Taste of the fruit

Never thought to question why

It's not like you killed someone

It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side

Praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed

He did it all for you

He did it all for you

Oh so many ways for me to show you how your dogma has abandoned you


To your christ, to your god

Never taste of the fruit

Never stray, never break, never

Choke on a lie

Even though he's the one who

Did this to you

Never thought to question why

Not like you killed someone

It's not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side

Talk to Jesus Christ as if He knows the reasons why

He did it all for you

He did it all for you

He did it all for you

See Die Eier Von Satan


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