What is The Big Nasty?
The actual act of sexual intercourse, man-to-woman; woman-to-man. When I was young (many eons ago) they had the 'base' system:
1st base: kissing and maybe some 'under the sweater' action
2nd base: french kissing and fondling
3rd base: naked bodies rubbing together, but NO penetration
4th base or home run: sexual intercourse
It got stupid to say 4th base and saying home run during baseball season could be confusing. So the act bacame The Big Nasty.
Susie: Did Johnnie feel you up last night, Nancy?
Nancy: No Suze, we went all the way. Enjoyed The Big Nasty,
donchaknow .
Anal-oral contact, also referred to as anal-oral sex, rimming, or anilingus (from anus and lingua), is a form of oral sex involving contact between the anus or perineum of one person and the mouth of another. AKA - The defined art of butthole pleasures.
Angie: "That corn was really good."
The Big Nasty: "Boy, I would suck a fart out of her ass."
A process that used to be used
John tried ripping the stack and the nic, but that didn't work so he just did The Big Nasty and that got her back online.
1) somone with a small flacid penis, or other genetalia. 2)prepubescent fat kids.
a) The Big Nasty Couldn't even tickle the girl.(in bed) b) logan touched the big nasty.